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18. Oktober 2018
Am sechsten Kongress der Anführer von Weltreligionen und traditionellen Religionen in Astana haben über 80 Delegationen aus aller Welt teilgenommen. Anwesend waren Vertreter von Christentum, Islam, Buddhismus, Judentum, Hinduismus, Taoismus, Zoroastrismus und anderen religiösen Organisationen sowie Politiker und Vertreter internationaler Organisationen. Seit 2003 findet der Kongress alle drei Jahre statt, dieses Jahr unter dem Titel „Religiöse Führer für eine sichere Welt“. In seiner Eröffnu...
18. Oktober 2018
Angesichts der neusten Entwicklungen im Streit um eine mögliche Autokephalie für die Ukrainische Orthodoxe Kirche hat auch Metropolit Augoustinos von Deutschland, Exarch von Zentraleuropa des Ökumenischen Patriarchats in Konstantinopel Stellung bezogen. In seiner offiziellen Stellungnahme geht er auf den Beschluss des Hl Synods der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche ein, die eucharistische Gemeinschaft mit dem Ökumenischen Patriarchat abzubrechen. Die Stellungnahme vom 16. Oktober im Wortlaut: Mit...
18. Oktober 2018
Radio Free Europe, 17. Oktober 2018: A Minsk priest never thought that taking pictures of visiting Russian Orthodox head Patriarch Kirill and posting them on Facebook would get him banished from the church. But that's exactly what happened to Alyaksandr Shramko on October 16 when he received an official letter from the head of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Paval, saying he had been stripped of his duties at his St. Michael the Archangel Church parish and banned for one year fro...
18. Oktober 2018
The self-proclaimed ‘Luhansk people’s republic’ has refused to ‘re-register’ all communities of Baptist, Pentecostal, Seventh Day Adventist and other Protestant churches, with this meaning that believers could face fines or arrest merely for prayer gatherings in private homes.  Such a blanket refusal suggests that this was always the Russian-backed militants’ aim in introducing a system of ‘re-registration’.  Maksym Vasin, Director of the Institute for Religious Freedom [IRF], suspe...
18. Oktober 2018
Romanians came out to vote on 6 and 7 October in a referendum to change the constitution to officially define marriage as between one man and one woman. However, not enough Romanians came out. The referendum needed 30% of the population to show up to be valid, but although the vote was extended to two days, only about 20% of registered voters actually cast ballots. At present, marriage is constitutionally defined as “between spouses.” Same-sex marriage is already banned in the Romanian civil ...
18. Oktober 2018
From 5 to 7 October 2018, the Committee of Representatives of the Orthodox Churches to the European Union (CROCEU) held its annual meeting in Bulgaria, at the kind invitation of His Beatitude Neofit, Metropolitan of Sofia and Patriarch of Bulgaria. The main topic of this year’s meeting was “The factors of enhancing cohesion in the European society”. During the Dialogue Seminar, which was hosted by the Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria, the representatives of the Ecumenical...
18. Oktober 2018
Vor der erstmaligen Sitzung des Heiligen Synods der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche in Minsk hat der Moskauer Patriarch Kirill Weißrussland einen Pastoralbesuch abgestattet. Laut örtlichen Medienberichten traf der Patriarch dabei am 15. Oktober 2018 auch mit dem weißrussischen Präsidenten Alexander Lukaschenko zusammen. Dabei würdigte er die guten Bedingungen für das kirchliche Leben in Belarus und die positiven Beziehungen zwischen Staat und Kirche. Vor dem Hintergrund des aktuellen Streits zwis...
18. Oktober 2018
His Eminence Metropolitan Pavel of Minsk and Zaslavl, the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, has spoken in favor of introducing a moratorium on the death penalty in the country. “It might not need to be removed from the Criminal Code, but we welcome a moratorium,” the head of the Belarusian Church said at a press conference in Minsk on Friday, reports Interfax-Religion. According to the Patriarchal Exarch, the presence of punishments such as the death penalty in the Criminal Code can warn aga...
18. Oktober 2018
The Greek Parliament and the Association of Constantinople awarded the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for his multifaceted contribution to environmental protection, during a ceremony held at the Megaron Mousikis in Athens. The ceremony took place in the ‘Christos Lambrakis’ hall in the presence of the President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr Prokopis Pavlopoulos, the political class as well as Church leaders among others, reporst Weiterlesen auf (11. Okto...