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22. April 2021
The right to vote is more than simply a right, but an obligation of responsible citizens, His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Albania preached on April 18. Referring to the general Parliamentary elections to be held on Sunday, April 25, the Archbishop reminded his flock of the Church’s guiding principles for involvement in the political life of the country. “We have emphasized since the first year that our Church does not deal with political parties, nor does it interfere in the political ...
25. November 2020
According to an announcement from Evangelismos Hospital in Athens, His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Albania is being discharged and sent home today, after 12 days of hospitalization. The Archbishop will remain in quarantine at home following his discharge, reports Romfea. His Beatitude, 91, was hospitalized on November 11 after testing positive for COVID-19. After his first day in the ICU, he issued a hopeful statement, saying: “Throughout our lives we refer to the God of surprises but ...
11. November 2020
His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Albania has tested positive for the coronavirus and is being transported to Athens for treatment. The Archbishop underwent relevant testing at a medical center in Tirana, and although his symptoms are mild, the doctors advised him to seek treatment in a specialized clinic in Greece, given his advanced age and chronic health problems, reports Romfea. The Archbishop is 91. He underwent an emergency angioplasty in late June. With the approval of Greek Prim...
24. Juni 2020
In a text sent to the Albanian authorities, the nationalist group Children of Labëria calls for the removal of all Greek monuments, including the graves of Greek soldiers, busts, and memorial columns in Albania. Moreover, the group has set its sights on His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Albania, who is ethnically Greek, calling for his immediate deportation, reports Labëria is an historic region in southwestern Albania, bordering on Greece. The people there are culturall...
05. März 2020
Für sein Engagement für Frieden und Verständigung ist Erzbischof Anastasios (Yannoulatos) von Albanien mit dem Klaus Hemmerle-Preis ausgezeichnet worden. In seiner Dankesrede bei der Verleihung des Preises am 14. Februar im Dom von Aachen plädierte er für eine „friedvolle Koexistenz in einer multi-religiösen Welt“. Der Bischof von Aachen, Dr. Helmut Dieser, lobte Anastasios als einen „Wegbereiter des Glaubens und der Ökumene“.
20. Februar 2020
Despite the financial crisis, the Albanian Orthodox Church spares no expense in restoring its churches that have been in ruins since the persecution of the faith under the communist government last century. According to a report from the Albanian Church, 63 churches and monasteries were fully restored between 1991 and 2019, in addition to the dozens of new churches that were constructed, not always under easy conditions, and at a price tag of $10.8 million (10 million euros), according to a r...
05. Dezember 2019
Nach dem schweren Erdbeben vom 26. November in Albanien leisten lokale Kirchen und Religionsgemeinschaften den Betroffenen Hilfe. So versucht die Caritas Albanien mit Unterstützung der italienischen Caritas materielle Hilfe für die Betroffenen bereitzustellen und eine erste Schätzung der Schäden in der betroffenen Region durchzuführen. Laut Antonio Leuci, dem Direktor der albanischen Caritas, sind besonders die Städte Durrës und Thumane betroffen, aber auch in einer ganzen Reihe kleinerer Stä...
10. Oktober 2019
Das Vorbereitungskomitee für die 18. Vollversammlung der Internationalen Gemeinsamen Kommission zum theologischen Dialog zwischen dem Lutherischen Weltbund und der Orthodoxen Kirche hat sich zu seiner ersten Sitzung getroffen. Vom 24. September bis zum 1. Oktober 2019 tagte das Komitee in Tirana, wo es von der Albanischen Orthodoxen Kirche beherbergt wurde. Geleitet wurde das Treffen von Metropolit Gennadios (Limouris) von Sassima vom Ökumenischen Patriarchat und Bischof Johann Schneider von ...
12. September 2019
The worldwide religious community recognizes the role of the Archbishop Anastasios of the Albanian Orthodox Church in guaranteeing international peace, Romfea News reports. Archbishop Anastasios is a pioneer in the peaceful coexistence of religious communities in Albania, thereby contributing to social cohesion. He was recently re-elected honorary president of the Religions for Peace International, which held its 10th Assembly, at Lindau, Germany. Weiterlesen auf (9. September 2019)