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10. Oktober 2019
Das Vorbereitungskomitee für die 18. Vollversammlung der Internationalen Gemeinsamen Kommission zum theologischen Dialog zwischen dem Lutherischen Weltbund und der Orthodoxen Kirche hat sich zu seiner ersten Sitzung getroffen. Vom 24. September bis zum 1. Oktober 2019 tagte das Komitee in Tirana, wo es von der Albanischen Orthodoxen Kirche beherbergt wurde. Geleitet wurde das Treffen von Metropolit Gennadios (Limouris) von Sassima vom Ökumenischen Patriarchat und Bischof Johann Schneider von de…
12. September 2019
The worldwide religious community recognizes the role of the Archbishop Anastasios of the Albanian Orthodox Church in guaranteeing international peace, Romfea News reports. Archbishop Anastasios is a pioneer in the peaceful coexistence of religious communities in Albania, thereby contributing to social cohesion. He was recently re-elected honorary president of the Religions for Peace International, which held its 10th Assembly, at Lindau, Germany. Weiterlesen auf basilica.ro (9. September 2019)
28. August 2019
His Beatitude Anastasios Archbishop of Tirana, Durres and All Albania, the current primate of the Albanian Orthodox Church, celebrates Friday his 27th enthronement anniversary. His Beatitude Anastasios Archbishop of Tirana, Durres and All Albania, was born on November 4, 1929, in Piraeus, Greece. Archbishop Anastasios (Yannoulatos) Professor of History of Religions (1972-92) and Dean of the Theological Faculty of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1983-86). B.D. and Th.D. (with…
28. August 2019
Albania’s old Orthodox churches, forgotten and abandoned for many decades because of the religious persecution by the atheist state, are being restored by both the Albanian Orthodox Church and the Institute of Cultural Monuments in Albania. The interest of Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania, in this direction is continuous, substantial and effective. Although restoration work is difficult in many cases, experts point out that the restoration of the temples is still possible…
04. Juli 2019
The Albanian Orthodox Church issued a statement on June 24 condemning the misuse of Orthodox churches for political electioneering. “In recent days, in two cases, in the pre-election campaign, there has been an unacceptable use of ecclesiastical premises for political purposes,” the statement published on the Church’s official website reads. “The use of the inner church premises for political activities in election campaigns constitutes an insult to community and institutional religious feeling…
09. Mai 2019
On 19 April, the Inter-religious Council of Albania conducted a meeting between religious leaders, to discuss, among other things, the issue of the return of religious property by the Albanian State, Romfea News reports. The meeting was attended by Archbishop Anastasios of the Orthodox Church of Albania, who is also the president of the Council, the Head of the Muslim Community of Albania Bujar Spahi, the Primate of the Conference of the Catholic Bishops George Frendo, the world leader (Kryegjy…
04. April 2019
After the information (of 26.3.2019) that the Italian translation of the Patriarchal Letter of 9.3.2019 was inserted within the “category of texts of Dogmatic and Symbolic Theology” it was decided to make the related answer of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania (21.3.2019) public. The first pages of the lengthy discourse (didachi) of the above-mentioned Patriarchal Letter did not refer in the least to the query raised in the first responding Letter of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church…
21. März 2019
Die Orthodoxe Kirche von Albanien erkennt die neu gegründete Orthodoxe Kirche der Ukraine (OKU) nicht an. Auf ihrer Website veröffentlichte sie den Beschluss des Hl. Synods vom 4. Januar 2019, der dem Ökumenischen Patriarchen am 14. Januar brieflich zugestellt wurde. In dem Beschluss zieht die Kirchenleitung insbesondere die Gültigkeit der Weihen der Bischöfe und Priester der OKU in Zweifel. Dies gelte ausdrücklich auch für deren Oberhaupt, Metropolit Epifanij (Dumenko).
30. November 2018
Die Orthodoxe Kirche von Albanien hat Medienberichte zurückgewiesen, dass sie das Vorgehen des Ökumenischen Patriachats in der Ukraine klar verurteilt. Aufgekommen waren die Berichte nach der Veröffentlichung von Auszügen eines Briefes des Oberhaupts der Orthodoxen Kirche von Albanien, Erzbischof Anastasios (Yannulatos), an Patriarch Kirill auf der Website des Kirchlichen Außenamtes des Moskauer Patriarchats. Um die Position der Orthodoxen Kirche von Albanien hinsichtlich der ukrainischen Kirch…