02. Mai 2024
On April 24, 2024, Emeritus Professor Dr. Thomas Bremer and Professor Dr. Regina Elsner from the Faculty of Theology of the University of Münster (Germany) sent a “Statement in support of Fr. Mykolai Danylevych on his criminal persecution”, the Information and Education Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church reports with reference to the website of the UOC Department for External Church Relations.
Statement in support of Fr. Mykolai Danylevych on his criminal persecution
On April ...
02. Mai 2024
The Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak had a telephone conversation with the President of the Italian Bishops' Conference Cardinal Matteo Zuppi. Source: President.gov.ua
The Head of the Presidential Office noted that our country consistently pays special attention to the return of Ukrainian children illegally deported by Russia in the framework of diplomatic dialogue with all states. "You also continue your work in this direction. Thank you. This is a slow process, ...
02. Mai 2024
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has declared the suspicion of the Metropolitan of the Svyatohirsk Lavra for allegedly disclosing the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the enemy. This was reported by the SBU's press service.
According to the investigation, during his Liturgy, the cleric disclosed the locations of Ukrainian military checkpoints to the occupiers. This was done through a video recording where the Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriar...
02. Mai 2024
Großerzbischof Svjatoslav Schevtschuk, Oberhaupt der Ukrainisch Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche (UGKK), hat anlässlich des bevorstehenden orthodoxen Osterfestes die Freilassung aller Kriegsgefangenen gefordert. Die UGKK feiert Ostern nach dem Julianischen Kalender und erlebt daher derzeit die Karwoche. Ostern ist am 5. Mai.
Schevtschuk betonte laut einem Bericht von VaticanNews, dass diese Woche „unseren Brüdern und Schwestern, die in Russland in Gefangenschaft sind“, besondere Aufmerksamkeit...
02. Mai 2024
On April 25, a meeting took place between the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC), Oleksandr Lytvynenko and members of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (AUCCRO). The meeting was also attended by the Chairman of the State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience, Viktor Yelensky. This was reported by the IRS.
During the meeting, the parties discussed various aspects of the activities of Ukrainian Churches and rel...
18. April 2024
Die Ukrainische Orthodoxe Kirche (UOK) hat gegenüber einer Delegation der Konferenz der europäischen Kirchen (KEK) in der Ukraine auf ihre zunehmenden Einschränkungen hingewiesen. Metropolit Avgustin (Makarevitsch) von Bila Tserkva empfing die Delegation am 10. April 2024 in der Kyjiwer Geistlichen Akademie, wo sie die religiöse Situation in der Ukraine besprachen. Insbesondere erläuterte er die Position seiner Kirche zum Gesetzesentwurf Nr. 8371, der die Aktivitäten der UOK stark einschränke...
18. April 2024
Der ukrainische Inlandgeheimdienst SBU hat Erzpriester Mykolaj Danylevytsch, den stellv. Leiter der Synodalabteilung für kirchliche Außenbeziehungen der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche (UOK), ins Visier genommen. Am 12. April führte er bei ihm eine Durchsuchung durch und er erklärte ihn daraufhin offiziell zum Verdächtigen. Ihm wird die Rechtfertigung der russischen Aggression gegen die Ukraine und das Schüren von religiösem Hass vorgeworfen.
Der SBU wirft Danylevytsch vor, nach der russische...
18. April 2024
The head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, in the program "Open Church" on "Live TV", expressed the Church's position on preserving the current Easter and celebrating Easter according to the Julian calendar. He emphasized the importance of remaining united with Orthodox brothers in Ukraine ащк the UGCC, and the issue of Easter reform requires deeper consideration. This was reported by the Information Department of the UGCC.
His Beatitude Sviatoslav noted that there are two versions of E...
18. April 2024
On April 4, Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine received Metropolitan Serhiy of Donetsk and Mariupol and Father Andriy Chuy, who was illegally detained in Russian captivity on charges of pro-Ukrainian activities, at his residence. The OCU website reported this meeting.
The Primate of the OCU inquired about the current situation in Donetsk from Metropolitan Serhiy, thanked Fr Andriy for his zealous and selfless service for the good of the Ukrainian Church, and presented him with a p...