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26. Oktober 2017
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia believes that moral sense shared by all nations should be laid in basis of legislation in every country of the modern world. "No matter how different our countries, nations and establishments are, we all have moral sense, each of us has the voice of conscience, in other words, our differences are above basis, while moral sense is our true basis, it is truly universal characteristic of a human nature given to us from the birth. It is not constructed by...
26. Oktober 2017
Head of the Catholic Archdiocese in Moscow Metropolitan Paolo Pezzi confessed he feels himself Russian and said that relations between the Russian Catholics and the Russian Orthodox Church "are getting better and better." "It is not for showing off, it is natural closing up in the joint witness to love in Christ. I think it is the most natural and right way. We are friends with representatives of other confessions and religious teachings. This dialogue is absolutely necessary to build a socie...
12. Oktober 2017
Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche (ROK) sieht im Bericht zur internationalen Religionsfreiheit für das Jahr 2016 des US-Außenministeriums Fortschritte, was die Einschätzung der Religionsfreiheit in Russland betrifft. Andererseits kritisierte sie die Verwendung von einseitigen und ungenauen Quellen, wie aus einem Brief von Metropolit Ilarion (Alfejev), Leiter des Kirchlichen Außenamtes des Moskauer Patriarchats, an den amerikanischen Außenminister Rex Tillerson hervorgeht.
11. Oktober 2017
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia called insulting religious feelings a form of extremism in a conversation with Uzbekistan's Mufti Usmonhon Alimov in Tashkent. "Insulting religious feelings is a form of extremism; it's something that shakes the foundations of public life, something that provokes internal conflicts," he said during his visit to Uzbekistan. Furthermore, Patriarch Kirill said that traditional religions "are expected to strengthen the foundations of national life." Patr...
28. September 2017
Metropolit Ilarion (Alfejev), der Leiter des Kirchlichen Außenamts des Moskauer Patriarchats, hat am 19. September 2017 den Ökumenischen Patriarchen Bartholomaios von Konstantinopel besucht. Das Treffen fand an dessen Amtssitz in Istanbul statt. Ilarion überbrachte Bartholomaios die „herzlichen brüderlichen Grüße“ des russischen Patriarchen Kirill und ein Geschenk von ihm. Ausführlich diskutiert wurden verschiedene Fragen zu Förderung der bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Patriarcha...
28. September 2017
The Trinity Cathedral and the Spiritual and Cultural Center on Quai Branly have become one of the most visited places in the prestigious 7th District of Paris during the Days of the French National Heritage. It was the first time that they took part in this celebration of republican significance. The Days of the National Heritage have been held in France for already 35 years. This year, an open access was made on September 16 and 17 to 15 thousand cultural establishments and governmental inst...
28. September 2017
The Churches in Europe group of the Russian-German forum of civil societies ‘St. Petersburg Dialogue’ held a working meeting in Berlin.The meeting opened with a minute of silence in tribute for the memory of Archbishop Feofan for Berlin and Germany who passed away on September 11, 2017; the German participants presented their condolences. The Russian Orthodox Church was represented at the meeting by Archimandrite Philaret (Bulekov), vice-chairman of the Department for External Church Relation...
28. September 2017
The relics of Patriarch St. Tikhon of Moscow will be solemnly transferred from Moscow’s Donskoy Monastery to Christ the Savior Cathedral on December 4 in celebration of the centenary of his enthronement as the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, RIA-Novosti reports. Speaking at a meeting in preparation of events related to the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution, Vladimir Legoida, the head of the Synodal Department for the Church’s Relations with the Society and Mass Media, noted t...
28. September 2017
Die russisch-orthodoxe Kirche bereitet für die erste Dezemberwoche umfangreiche 100-Jahr-Gedenkfeiern an das Landeskonzil von 1917/18, die Wiederherstellung des Moskauer Patriarchats und den Beginn der Kirchenverfolgung durch die Kommunisten vor. Zu den Gedenkfeiern werden Repräsentanten der christlichen Kirchen aus aller Welt erwartet. Metropolit Ilarion, Leiter des Außenamts des Moskauer Patriarchats, überbrachte jetzt die entsprechende Einladung an den Ökumenischen Patriarchen Bartholomaio...