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14. August 2017
Metropolit Kornelij (Titov), das Oberhaupt der russischen Altgläubigen, hält eine Wiedervereinigung mit dem Moskauer Patriarchat für unmöglich. In einem Interview mit der russischen Zeitung Kommersant anlässlich des 350. Jahrestags der Kirchenspaltung sagte Metropolit Kornelij, die Wunden des Schismas seien zu groß. „Wir sind im Kern, in den Riten und im Geist sehr verschieden. Wir werden ihre Riten nie akzeptieren können, und es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass sie in näherer Zukunft zum alten Gla...
14. August 2017
Das Moskauer Patriarchat hat Entwurf eines „Katechismus der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche“ im Internet veröffentlicht und zur Diskussion gestellt. Erarbeitet wurde der Entwurf von der Biblisch-Theologischen Kommission unter der Leitung von Metropolit Ilarion (Alfejev).
08. August 2017
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with a delegation of the Roman Catholic Church who were to accompany the relics of St. Nicholas from St. Petersburg to Bari, at the Golden Hall of the Metropolitan’s Chambers of the St. Alexander Nevsky Laura in St. Petersburg. Participating in the meeting from the Roman Catholic side were Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Archbishop Francesco Cacucci of Bari-Bitonto, Rev. Ciro Capo...
18. Juli 2017
Das Oberste Gericht Russlands hat die Berufung der Zeugen Jehovas gegen ihr Verbot abgelehnt. Das Gericht bestätigte das Urteil von April, dem zufolge es sich bei der Religionsgemeinschaft um eine „extremistische Gruppe“ handelt, der weitere Aktivitäten in Russland verboten sind. Die Zeugen Jehovas kündigten den Gang zum Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR) in Straßburg an. „In dieser Frage ist das letzte Wort noch nicht gesprochen, da das Oberste Gericht nicht nur Normen der ru...
18. Juli 2017
Food embargo, which Russia prolonged to the end of 2018 will help develop the country's agriculture while European and American sanctions gave Russia a chance to develop its own industry, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations, said on the Church and the World program on Rossiya-24 (VGTRK) television channel. In early July the EU Council prolonged economic restrictions against Russia for six months. Brussels associate this term with ...
11. Juli 2017
The Sverdlovsk Region Court has heard the appeal against the sentence handed down for Yekaterinburg blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky on the counts of offending religious feelings, an Interfax correspondent reported from the courtroom on 7 July 2017. The court reduced Sokolovsky's suspended sentence from 3.5 years to two years and three months. It was reported earlier that Sokolovsky posted a video on the Internet in summer 2016 showing him catching Pokemon in the Church on the Blood, built on the si...
11. Juli 2017
The head of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations Metropolitan Hilarion has reminded what he said when asked during a television program whether Russia should return to monarchic government, and reassured that his remarks did not contain calls for its restoration. "Can this reply be seen as a call for the restoration of monarchy or a call for a debate on the restoration of monarchy? In my view - no. Unless, of course, you wish to read between the lines," Metropolitan Hilarion t...
11. Juli 2017
By decision of the 41st session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee on July 9 in Krakov, Poland, Dormition Cathedral and Monastery on the island-town of Sviyazhsk in Tatarstan have been included in the World Heritage List, reports patriarchia.ru. The nomination dossier for the cathedral and monastery was submitted to the World Heritage Committee in early 2016. Large-scale restoration work on the island, including the monastery, and preparation for the dossier were carried out with the assi...
11. Juli 2017
The working group for dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church and Turkey’s Presidency for Religious Affairs met at the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations (DECR). It was set up as provided by an agreement reached at the meeting of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and the Presidency head Prof. Dr. Mehmet Görmez, which took place on November 30, 2011, in Moscow. The talk, which was held in a frank and friendly atmosphere, was chaired by the c...