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21. Juni 2017
The Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church reports that the number of men who want to become Orthodox priests has significantly increased. Thus, the number of those who entered the first course of higher theological educational establishments increased in 19% in 2016 and made 1593 students, the Educational Committee told Interfax-Religion on 21 June. Besides, the number of those who took preparatory courses to seminaries has increased in 25% (827 people in 2016-2017 compared to...
19. Juni 2017
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, rector of the Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies and head of the department of theology at the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhi), presided over a panel discussion on the role of theology in education and upbringing of a contemporary person. The discussion was held in the framework of the 1st All-Russian academic conference on Theology in Humanitarian Educ...
15. Juni 2017
Already half a million people have bowed to the relics of St. Nicholas in the two weeks since they were brought to the Russian capital. "To date, the number of pilgrims has reached half a million people. The line is on average three kilometers long," Patriarch Kirill's spokesman Alexander Volkov told Interfax-Religion. Among the pilgrims who came to venerate the saint these days was Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the statistics unveiled by the organizers of the bringing of th...
08. Juni 2017
Die Zeugen Jehovas haben angekündigt, gegen das Urteil des Obersten Gerichts zu ihrer Einstufung als „extremistische Organisation“ in Berufung zu gehen. Am 20. April hatte das Oberste Gericht Russlands einen Antrag des Justizministeriums gebilligt, die Zeugen Jehovas als „extremistische Gruppe“ einzustufen, die die öffentliche Ordnung bedrohe und Familien zerstöre. Russlands Kirchen reagierten unterschiedlich auf das Verbot der Zeugen Jehovas. Der Leiter des Außenamtes des Moskauer Patriarch...
08. Juni 2017
In Jekaterinburg ist der Blogger Ruslan Sokolovskij wegen des Schürens von Hass und der Verletzung der Gefühle von Gläubigen zu einer bedingten Haftstrafe von dreieinhalb Jahren verurteilt worden. Der 23-Jährige war im September verhaftet worden, nachdem er ein Video auf Youtube gestellt hatte, das ihn beim Jagen von Pokémons in einer der größten Kirchen Jekaterinburgs zeigt. Die Spiel-App, in der virtuelle Wesen mithilfe des Mobiltelefons an realen Orten gefangen werden, war zu der Zeit sehr...
08. Juni 2017
Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche hat sich gegen die Umstellung vom kyrillischen auf das lateinische Alphabet in Kasachstan ausgesprochen. Dieser Schritt werde für Millionen Russen in dem zentralasiatischen Land und viele Kasachen „sehr schmerzhaft“ sein, sagte der Leiter des Kirchlichen Außenamts des Moskauer Patriarchats, Metropolit Ilarion (Alfejev). Staatspräsident Nursultan Nasarbajew hatte im April angeordnet, bis 2025 die kyrillische Schrift durch lateinische Buchstaben zu ersetzen. Metr...
07. Juni 2017
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia consecrated the Cathedral of the Resurrection in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan capital city of Bishkek and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the newly consecrated church. Before the service the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church was met at the cathedral door by Bishop Daniel of Bishkek and Kyrgyzstan, the Director of the Kyrgyz State Commission for Religious Affairs Z. Ergeshev, and the Russian Ambassador of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan A. ...
07. Juni 2017
Eighty-one percent of Russians know that the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker have been brought from Italy to Russia and 18% have not heard of this," the Russia Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) said. Seventy-two percent of respondents said they would like to visit and kiss the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker, most of them are women (81%), people aged over 60 (82%) and Orthodox Christians (87%). Eighty-three percent of the respondents are positive about the fact that holy relics a...
01. Juni 2017
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia solemnly met at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker first time in history delivered from Italy to Russia. Hundreds clerics made a living corridor outside the church and the patriarch went through it to the bus, which brought the relics from the Vnukovo Airport. Then the shrine was taken inside. Four bishops carried the reliquary on their shoulders. Believers filled the cathedral that can house about 10,...