Call for Papers: Pro Oriente Summer Course 2024

Ecumenism & Learning
2. - 5. September 2024
The relevance of ecumenical formation has always been closely linked to educational and socio-political developments. In the field of religious education, for example, both possibilities and alternatives to denominational religious education are currently being intensely discussed, which in turn brings ecumenical theology as an academic discipline into greater focus than before. The value and role of ecumenism must therefore be considered both strategically in terms of curricular development and contextually in terms of providing the broadest possible range of ecumenically relevant knowledge and experience.
Against this background, the 2024 Summer Course will address two poles of ecumenical learning: On the one hand, it will address religious education and its various forms and models, including the role of ecumenical theology. On the other hand, it will deal with the “who” and “where” of ecumenical education, such as biographies of leaders and places of learning, combined with the potential of ecumenical learning beyond the academic context in church communities, in new forms of pastoral care, in the field of social ethics and moral theology, in political responsibility, etc.
The theme of our 2024 Summer Course was also chosen in light of the 60th anniversary of the PRO ORIENTE Foundation. From the very beginning, in accordance with the core mission of the Foundation, PRO ORIENTE has been committed to institutional and ecumenical learning. We hope that the summer course will provide both an evaluation and future perspectives for the Foundation's ecumenical work and engagement.